“….but I just can’t seem to make it happen”

“….but I just can’t seem to make it happen.”

You're kidding me, right?

You’re kidding me, right?

Clicking here for my Training Specials for 2012, you can make anything happen.

But first let’s see what you do make happen:                                                                                        

  • Taking kids from here to there. Important
  • Shopping with money you don’t necessarily have. Important
  • Driving out to lunch for the $2 meal. Important
  • Planning what to wear for the next Christmas party. Important
  • Walking in circles at home all day hoping to find something productive to do. Important
  • Lament over why your loved one left you; brooding and playing every scenario over and over in your head until you’re in a stress-induced frenzy posting the gloom and doom on Facebook again. Important

What do these important things have in common?


  • Taking kids from here to there. Absolutely important. Your children are your life and doing everything possible for them is a priority. Until you crash and burn out of fatigue, frustration and feeling like you’re the only one involved raising them. (Yes this goes both ways at-home mommies and at-home daddies)
  • Shopping with money you don’t necessarily have. Well….yeah. Shopping is fun! And it’s used to fill a gap that cannot be filled, resulting in opening, charging and hiding of credit card bills. (Don’t act like you haven’t done it. I have—and filed for bankruptcy in 1992)
  • Driving out to lunch for the $2 meal. LOVE the cheap food! “Buying good food Annette is just too expensive and making it is a pain so Taco Bell works!” Absolutely. Tell me how expensive your quadruple bypass surgery is when you have it, and all the meds thereafter. Tell me how expensive it is to be on dialysis 4 days out of the week at 4-5 hours from start to finish, (three days a week = at least 12 hours. And you’re calling this “life?”), let alone the stress on your caregivers-the family that actually comes in to take care of you. Tell me how expensive it will be on your children when you fall sick to need an in-home nurse to feed you after a stroke and they have to pay for it or better yet, when your kids stick you in a retirement home. Perfect.
  • Planning what to wear for the next Christmas party. Parties are fun! New outfits, hair & makeup, new trendy boots you’ll wear once and throw them in the back of the closet. Gifts! I’m all for the fun, planning is the best part! You soar high in the emotion of the event. You charge on gifts as you feel obligated to do so enabling the social acceptance when walking in. What happens when the one night is over? Need another fix? Can’t sit still? “I’m bored” so you go out to find some action? And spend? Mindlessly, or with full, conscious awareness, looking to fill the hole. Again.
  • Walking in circles at home all day hoping to find something productive to do. 1000 trips to the fridge hoping something new will show up there. Promising you’ll tear away from the Facebook. Flipping through the 1000 channels you have, nothing is on. Feeling unproductive so you start drinking. Drink too much pass out. Wake up starving, order a pizza. Kill the pizza in no time flat. Feel fat. Post on Facebook some more. Maybe the fridge magically produced something else. Everybody is at work, nobody to play with. Eat some more. Sleep more.
  • Lament over why your loved one left you; brooding and playing every scenario over and over in your head until you’re in a stress-induced frenzy posting the gloom and doom on Facebook again. “What did I do? What didn’t I do? How could I have done different? Maybe it was when I said….” Maybe it was when I did……?” I shouldn’t have sent that text, now I feel like an a$$. I wonder what they’re thinking? I wonder what they think of me? Why does this always happen to me? Maybe I should write them a letter to tell them one more time what I meant when….?” Maybe I sent the text too early in the day and it pissed them off? Maybe I can check their Facebook and I’ll know when they’re awake so then I can send that post? Maybe I’ll wait exactly 12 hours before sending anything—it’ll make them think I’m not needy? OMG they actually responded to my “hi” text! It doesn’t matter that they replied “Hi,” it’s something. They must really do like me! Well then, why did they break up with me? What did I do? What didn’t I do? How could I have done different? Maybe it was when I said….” Maybe it was when I did……?” I shouldn’t have sent that text, now I feel like an a$$. I wonder what they’re thinking? I wonder what they think of me? Why does this always happen to me? Maybe I should write them a letter to tell them one more time what I meant when….?” Maybe I sent the text too early in the day and it pissed them off? Maybe I can check their Facebook and I’ll know when they’re awake so then I can send that post? Maybe I’ll wait exactly 12 hours before sending anything—it’ll make them think I’m not needy? OMG they actually responded to my “hi” text! It doesn’t matter that they replied “Hi,” it’s something. They must really do like me!”

And what’s wrong with any of the above?



But when I am asked to help you get to where you want to go as far as training is concerned and after two months of Mondays where you swear you’ll show up citing every week, “Just gotta wait for Monday,” (why not now???), full of every excuse in the book as to why not, to end up with the finale of excuses, “….but I just can’t seem to make it happen,” do you not see an issue here?

ACTIVITIES (running around in circles like the above) vs. ACHIEVEMENT

Achievement, fulfillment, self-value begins by clicking here.

You must clear the garbage that you’re allowing to stop you, and the best news?


You make the decisions- -right? You own you, correct? You make the decision to sabotage yourself until you crash and burn–or not. You make the decisions to forego taking care of yourself and go out all night, for the third night in a row guzzling down the Monster and 5-hour energy drinks till they make you sick. (But it sure was fun!!)- -or not. You make the decision to shovel the next fast food meal down your gullet spiking your insulin- -or not. And all of a sudden it’s summer, you’ve had a vacation planned since November and since the repeated “….but I just can’t seem to make it happen,” line of crap you’re feeding yourself, you’re fat and sad on your vacation by your own hand–or not.

How’s it been working for ya?

When behaviors change, the focus changes. When behaviors change, the focus changes. When we can look at ourselves and ask, “Can I answer this question,” (you can do it now, go ahead), and you will find the answer is “no,” then instead of belaboring to get an answer of the how & why…..LET IT GO. It’s garbage. Unless you, (the boss), simply says, “Oh no, I’d much rather keep this ugliness, I’d so much rather be in this place of confusion because I truly DO enjoy it enough to give it a home to nest in. And I’m going to feed it by continuing  to think, think and think some more about how to get the answer, (that I already asked myself a minute ago and the answer was “no”), because I believe I deserve these feelings of crap- -like I get a prize for it.


I thought about it for 50 years and then I died.

(Hintthis is the behavior change, and you are in complete control, starting this minute, if you choose it)

When we “do” that means you are acting in a manner that is different. Different behaviors = changes happen. It is simple in form. The acceptance, praise, respect and atta-boys or atta-girls you are craving from others to validate your being will come, after you put in some time; some personal dues. You gotta bleed a little people. Once you put in your time, you will soon come to know that the only validation you will ever need….is your own.

You have 100% control to turn this: “….but I just can’t seem to make it happen,” into this: “I know how to listen to my body and how to achieve my goals. I have more energy and I am amazed by the exercises I can do. It is awesome to see how much I have improved (mentally & physically) from just a few weeks training. One very important aspect to Annette, is that she holds you accountable. She will tell you that you will get what you put in to it, she is honest with you, she will push you. Because of this you will gain respect for her and yourself.”

Pretty big difference huh?

Respect for your Self.

It’s real.

It’s achievable.

And you matter enough,



P.S. Nobody’s got to beg you to want better for your Self. That too is your choice. And if you know your Self well enough, you also know that you need a coach, a mentor, accountability and a support system. You will have all this by joining us. (Joining is doing something different) Start by clicking here for my Training Specials for 2012 and take a stand. Experience where it takes you.

You can say it, "I am the boss."





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