You’re still fat. Me too and I’m a trainer. A reason and a possible solution-if you’re brave enough for change and the most important thing to know

You’re still fat. Me too and I’m a trainer. A reason and a possible solution-if you’re brave enough for change and the most important thing to know

This is a long one guys, but you’ll find out why I am (currently and not for long) a fat trainer.

(Boys, stay engaged, it’ll make sense and it applies to you, and don’t worry, nobody knows you’re reading this except you)

You’re fat, feeling allergic, fibromyalgic, have GI tract problems, you’re bloated, tired, lazy, unattractive-feeling and without any motivation, hope or desire to lose weight or live life but rather, fight every single day just to get through and nobody understands why, not even your doctor after many rounds of antibiotics for the millions and repeated symptoms. This goes hand-in-hand with lack of desire to lose weight and the common psychological “reasons” that go deeper than the “it’s too early, too cold, I don’t have time, it’s too expensive, nobody will show me what to do, food is my drug so get off my a$$,” etc., that are in play. It also could go in conjunction with why you’re on anxiety and/or anti-depression meds, and this goes beyond your parents feeding and bribing you as a kid to shut you up while it kept you overweight.

Let’s focus on the “fat.” (The possibility of your answer after these next bullet points)

Starting with the boys:

  • Fat since before puberty and after
  • Now you’re into your 30’s and 40’s and your body shape turns into:
    • A beer keg on stilts (large gut, skinny arms and legs)
    • A woman: wide, large hips, thick thighs, squishy arms
    • Solution:
      • Find a 20-year-old girlfriend
      • Buy a red-hot Corvette

And for the girls:

  • Fat since before puberty and after
  • Now you’re into your 30’s and 40’s, you wake up one day and your body shape turns into:
    • 30 lbs heavier- -overnight
    • Mush
    • More mush
    • Flabby mush
    • Back of arms turn into batwings, weathervanes and the swinging signs blowing in the wind
    • Your gut looks and feels like you’re bloated 24/7
    • Tankinis are even scary to think about
    • Solution:
      • SPANX!
      • Diet pills!
      • Wine!
      • More wine! And if you’re through messin around with wine….
      • VODKA

Okay, I’m telling my own story of fat, (except the wine cause I just don’t “do” wine), and after 2 years of applying all the trainer tricks I know, after applying it especially to “my” body type (cause I know how to change my body type- -and fast!), after the organic foods and planning my meals down to the absolute calorie intake for weight loss (for me), after the diet pills, doing cleanses, exercising double (in spite of the lethargy while begging, ((and getting)), two to three 60-minute naps per day and still hitting the sack by 9:30pm and still sleeping till 4am), tracking all my calories burned with my Polar Heart Rate Monitor FT-7, while counting all my calories eaten, (including the vodka, 75 calories per ounce thank you) in every given day, drinking double the caffeine trying to wake up when all it did was make me sick rather than wake me up, I utilized fat-burning workouts, HIIT workouts, teaching all my classes, supplement this, vitamin that, there I was, 5’0, still clocking in at 160lbs., a fat trainer. To me, being a fat trainer is the same as being a 300lb heart surgeon cutting my heart open, while they smoke a cigarette. Not good for business, right?


I finally went a route that I was very skeptical about, until I started educating myself and this is where your possible answer lies- –BHRT. (Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy) <– the possible answer, for both MEN and WOMEN.

HORMONES. They run like a symphony, an orchestra, a well-oiled machine and when just one of them is out of tune, the rest will follow and suffer. This doesn’t have to be.

There’s so much to be said about hormone imbalance so I’ll leave it at this for now, (for now)…

If you’ve been experiencing:

  • Peri-menopause, (that’s me and I’m going to be 45 years old meaning, it’s not “too early” to be experiencing this)
  • Similar to all of the above, including feeling allergic, fibromyalgic, have GI tract problems, you’re bloated, tired, lazy, unattractive-feeling and without any motivation, hope or desire to lose weight or live life but rather, fight every single day just to get through—and nobody understands why, not even your doctor after many rounds of antibiotics for the millions and repeated symptoms.
  • Women around you who are acting crazy as HELL and you don’t know why
  • A crazy, abnormal weight gain and you’d like to see if your weight is hormone-related
  • Your husband refuses to get off the couch cause he’s a “lazy-a$$”and you could easily make 3 pillows out of his gut

I’d like to suggest going to your endocrinologist or your doctor that practices bioidentical hormones and ask about bioidentical hormone replacement therapy. (BHRT) Your normal, general practice doctors and possibly not even your OBGYN’s understand bioidenticals, simply because they spend a miniscule amount of time studying them in medical school. Why? Because they aren’t sexy and more importantly to the pharmaceutical companies, they aren’t big business. So instead you are given synthetic drugs, Premarin or Prempro, (the big business, synthetic drugs- -the ones the body does not recognize because they come from horses urine and raise the risk of breast and lung cancer respectively ), and you’re left to the guessing game to “see if it works” rather than knowing where the deficiencies lie and give you exactly what your body needs and recognizes. You may not even know that you are off balance and what you’ve been feeling is “normal” to you. “Ive been this way all my life,” you say.

I finally made the decision to go, (on referral from clients who have had wonderful success), to my doctor, Dr. Yury in Anaheim. It’s been 4 weeks of taking the bioidentical meds (biologically identical to human hormones ) and I know I am “coming back.” My energy, desire, creativity, etc., is coming back, not to mention my metabolism (completely hormone-related), is beginning to run again! My particular problem was that my estrogen was sky-high and my testosterone/progesterone/DHEA/T3 & T4 (thyroid) was stupid low, creating all the imbalance, hot flashes, night sweats, irritability and wanting to beat the crap out of my clients and classes, (yes really!), and the inability to drop the weight. Everyone is different and the most important thing to know is this: hormone imbalance creates many things (like breast cancer, prostrate cancer and even Alzheimer’s)- -and it can be avoided if you are informed.

2 tools, both easy and do-able:




Google search in your area for a bioidentical doctor.

We start changing in our bodies beginning after about 22 years of age, and sometimes we haven’t been balanced since much younger. If you’re brave enough for change, and I believe you are, start taking advantage of this information now. It’s never too late.

Get informed, get better and live whole,




  1. PhaT!

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