I’m stuck at this weight and it seems like I’ve been here forever..ugh

I'm stuck at this weight and it seems like I've been here forever..ugh!   I hear ya, and the myriads of people, women in particular, who share this with me. In fact, this very phrase I quoted from an email sent to me just yesterday.   So what of it? I'm going to work to be concise with this one, focusing on the group of people I hear this from the most, women from about … [Read more...]

The third roll of back fat

The third roll of back fat? Yes, read on….   Making a decision to do something, especially for your Self, can be, strangely, the hardest thing- -why is that?   The list of excuses is endless, right? Allow me to share a few: IF I didn’t have a wife and family… IF I had enough pull… IF I had money… IF I had a good education… IF I could get a … [Read more...]