The third roll of back fat

The third roll of back fat? Yes, read on….   Making a decision to do something, especially for your Self, can be, strangely, the hardest thing- -why is that?   The list of excuses is endless, right? Allow me to share a few: IF I didn’t have a wife and family… IF I had enough pull… IF I had money… IF I had a good education… IF I could get a … [Read more...]

Prada purse, Coach bags and Balls

Who said you had to starve and be deprived on a cleanse? . You did. . That’s the mindset that has been adopted by you because of the control you’re giving those that spread their experience when they did their cleanse. Secondly… . You weren’t ready, you weren’t prepared, you had no support, coaching or follow up. And then you quit halfway through, the guilt got a hold of you so … [Read more...]