Fitness goes way beyond tennis shoes

  . Fitness goes way beyond tennis shoes, doesn’t it?   Let’s go back to 1972. This is the year I began to remember things clearly as a child. I remember the discipline put on us as we grew, and the time passed. I remember the anger I felt. I remember the plans I made to run away, pack jelly sandwiches and hop on a train car like a hobo. I remember somehow knowing the truth about things and using … [Read more...]

Who Says Fitness Stops with Tennis Shoes, Gym Classes, Keto and Protein Shakes?

Who Says Fitness Stops with Tennis Shoes, Gym Classes, Keto and Protein Shakes?           Fitness can be this----------->             .       Or it can be this---------------->             And it can be everything in between. Times one hundred! Billion!   Well it is my pleasure to inform you that: You’re doing just fine. There are no mistakes. What you’re experiencing is all part of the … [Read more...]