How’s it been working for you?

How's It Been Working For You?       Procrastinating to get the 800-page book read for your final in three days. Charged another outfit to your card that you cannot afford, nor do you need it, but the rush of hunting it down and finding it on sale gives you instant gratification, getting you that much closer to filing bankruptcy. Committing to another relationship so you wouldn’t be alone … [Read more...]

3 Steps on How to Make Fitness as Important as Your Next Bottle of Wine

  How to make fitness as important as your next bottle of wine, or planning your next vacation, your kids’ weekend tournaments and weeknight games, your next concert, your daughter’s wedding, girl’s or boy’s night out or an evening at the park with the outdoor movies - and like it.   Physical fitness, from my perspective as a personal trainer and fitness instructor for the last forever, has … [Read more...]

Fitness goes way beyond tennis shoes

  . Fitness goes way beyond tennis shoes, doesn’t it?   Let’s go back to 1972. This is the year I began to remember things clearly as a child. I remember the discipline put on us as we grew, and the time passed. I remember the anger I felt. I remember the plans I made to run away, pack jelly sandwiches and hop on a train car like a hobo. I remember somehow knowing the truth about things and using … [Read more...]

Who Says Fitness Stops with Tennis Shoes, Gym Classes, Keto and Protein Shakes?

Who Says Fitness Stops with Tennis Shoes, Gym Classes, Keto and Protein Shakes?           Fitness can be this----------->             .       Or it can be this---------------->             And it can be everything in between. Times one hundred! Billion!   Well it is my pleasure to inform you that: You’re doing just fine. There are no mistakes. What you’re experiencing is all part of the … [Read more...]

Amy’s Transformation

It just so happened that I, Annette, decided to sub a cycle class on a Sunday, (a self-imposed and absolutely forbidden act in my lifestyle at the time), and Amy happened to be taking the class that day. Shortly after that day around July 2012, Amy decided to give me a call about personal training and we began what has turned into the true blue stuff that personal training is all about. As with … [Read more...]

I got my ass beat for jumping in a pool

I got my ass beat for jumping in a pool.   I grew up in fitness. My parents were avid exercisers, my mom getting her sweat on in the living room to her favorite shows with Jack La Lanne and the Body Buddies, (all decked out in their shiny tights), and I can still see her in the backyard jumping rope on the patio, doing old school weight lifting and ab work on our patio table benches … [Read more...]

Bootcamps vs small group training and elementary school teachers – what p1sses me off

Bootcamps vs small group training and elementary school teachers - what p1sses me off   Straight to it we go:   BOOTCAMP As many people that the facility can fit or outdoor location can handle Barking orders FUN! Camaraderie Not well-supervised Potential for injury---HUGE SMALL GROUP TRAINING A select amount of people-no more than 10-15 at one … [Read more...]

Of COURSE it’s possible to lose weight eating everything you want

Of COURSE it’s possible to lose weight eating everything you want.   Yep, really. (Don’t miss the end for the magic). . Yes, I decided to write you an article to go with the flow of eating like sh1t, and being able to lose the weight at the same time. I mean, why fight the flow of what you want to do, right? . Cause it is possible. . “Annette, you mean pizza, corn … [Read more...]

10 Tips For Becoming a Morning Gym-Goer

10 Tips For Becoming a Morning Gym-Goer:   This article is compliments of Pinterest, that a client forwarded to me. I do not know who wrote it, and I wanted to make sure the credit goes, as far as I can track it, to Pinterest.   10 Tips For Becoming a Morning Gym-Goer:     Schedule it. You probably wouldn’t miss an appointment with your doctor, your … [Read more...]

GIFTS for you at the 8th annual Thanksgiving Day BODY BLAST!

GIFTS for you at the 8th annual Thanksgiving Day BODY BLAST!  <---- click the link for the 8th annual Thanksgiving Day BODY BLAST!   I am offering Thanksgiving GIFTS to YOU this Thursday and there are 2 ways to receive: . 1. Come and participate at my 8th annual Thanksgiving Day BODY BLAST! 2. Burn the most calories at my 8th annual Thanksgiving Day BODY … [Read more...]