Only for the Fitness Fanatics

Hello Fitness Fanatics!   This is written especially for this group, and I really mean that- -I am not posting this as a public article on my website, but if you clicked on the link provided, you must be in the Fitness Fanatics Group!   As a trainer the VERY common thread with people is “watching from the outside” left to enjoy the surface of messages delivered, loving the … [Read more...]

How do I find the balance between pushing myself and over training?

How do I find the balance between pushing myself and over training? Some of you know what I’m talking about: you push and push, taking all the cardio classes on the schedule or running on your own, and 2 miles just won’t do; 4-6 grow to be the standard to make us feel accomplished. Abs classes, strengthening and toning classes, martial arts classes. In-home P90X, Insanity, you might join … [Read more...]

You’re still fat. Me too and I’m a trainer. A reason and a possible solution-if you’re brave enough for change and the most important thing to know

You’re still fat. Me too and I'm a trainer. A reason and a possible solution-if you’re brave enough for change and the most important thing to know This is a long one guys, but you’ll find out why I am (currently and not for long) a fat trainer. (Boys, stay engaged, it’ll make sense and it applies to you, and don’t worry, nobody knows you’re reading this except you) You’re fat, feeling … [Read more...]

I told you my crazy trainer personality was just my disguise and MAN at first, I FELT STUPID!

I told you my crazy trainer personality was just my disguise and MAN at first, I FELT STUPID! Ever wonder why we begin and quit with things that can better ourselves like getting out of debt, exercising, repairing a relationship, eating whole foods, lengthening our muscles through stretching, planning for 7-9 hours of sleep per night, taking time away from exercise to heal 100%, getting to … [Read more...]

Oh dear, I struck a nerve the other day and PO’d somebody. Let me share the dirt

Oh dear, I struck a nerve the other day and PO'd somebody. Let me share the dirt. A couple days ago I sent out a blog about my peeve on how to go about finding a personal trainer.  Well it struck a nerve and pissed off somebody, here's what they had to say: "There needs to be SOME trainers that have to learn about working with the older generation of clients that come from an athletic … [Read more...]

1226 words, why I don’t have kids, going to take some time off-sort of, $10,000 and self-judgment

1226 words, why I don't have kids, going to take some time off-sort of, $10,000 and self-judgment It amazing at how often I get asked “How many children do you have, Annette you must be an amazing mother,” or its assumed that I do have children. My first response usually is, “Well since I got divorced my children went from one to none.”  :)  But when my true answer is “Kids? Oh noooooooo,” the … [Read more...]

What I REALLY think about counting calories

What I REALLY think about counting calories (there is some fun at the end of this, keep reading)   Apparently I am not alone with what I think about counting calories; check out these “reasons” for why people don’t count them: It takes too much time Make the time for what you want, not the excuse It’s stupid It doesn’t work for me Oh HELL NO! The watches are too … [Read more...]

I love me a good starve

The same question over and over again, “how can I lose weight?” That conversation inevitably turns into: “I’ve done the Atkins diet” “I’ve done the Zone diet” “I’ve done the 1 Day diet” “I’ve done the 3 Day diet” “I’ve done the 7-Day all you can eat diet” “I’ve done the chocolate diet” (Huh?) “I’ve done the Lemonade diet” “I’ve done the Lazy Zone … [Read more...]

No, I don’t go to church

I wanted to address the elephant in the room in this particular message.   Cancer victim, diabetic, suffer from fibromyalgia, lupus, anxiety, high blood pressure, smoking, hoarding, anorexia, dialysis. Hypochondriac, agoraphobic, germ-a-phobic, alcoholic, sex addict, drug addict, gambling addict, applause addict, caffeine addict, exercising addict, food addict, relationship addict. Drama queen, … [Read more...]

I’m considered a cycle pus$y

I’m considered a cycle pus$y!   Right into it we go- -I am signing up for this year’s AIDS Life Cycle ride. It’s in June. It’s from San Francisco to Los Angeles. Its 545 miles in 7 days.   I know , read it again! I decided to do it not because of the cause although a great one, but because well …..I can. Do I have a bike or any equipment? No. Do I have any riding experience on the road? … [Read more...]