My fat belly and what I’m doing about it

My fat belly and what I’m doing about it   I have been in the fitness industry officially since 1984, right? And before that I was involved in team sports in junior high and high school, and before that, (here it comes), I was a Pop Warner cheerleader-yup, ponytails, pom-poms….and a skirt. (You might catch me at Halloween or dead dressed like that again).  J  The thing I can clearly … [Read more...]


  “JUST BECAUSE YOU GOT BIG BOOBS DOESN'T MEAN YOU DON'T HAVE TO RUN!!”     We finished last.....and I mean dead last.   July 15, 2011, at 7:15pm. I sat with my clients outside the gym post-training; we were sitting on a bench, leaning over with forearms resting on our thighs and as a team, we decided to register for the September 24, San Diego Marine Bootcamp … [Read more...]

I’m stuck at this weight and it seems like I’ve been here forever..ugh

I'm stuck at this weight and it seems like I've been here forever..ugh!   I hear ya, and the myriads of people, women in particular, who share this with me. In fact, this very phrase I quoted from an email sent to me just yesterday.   So what of it? I'm going to work to be concise with this one, focusing on the group of people I hear this from the most, women from about … [Read more...]

I KNEW I would NEVER be able to do it

A thought. The noise. The sabotage. The belief. The truth. The work. The event. The payoff. .   A thought. “One day I will do that. One day.” The noise. “Wait, there’s no way I could ever do that.” The sabotage. “It will be difficult. It’s going to be risky, it will take a long time, it’s not my nature, no one will help me, I’m not strong enough, … [Read more...]

Let’s play a game (part 2)

Let’s play a game part 2    Today’s game is called, “What is the benefit of the benefit,” and I’m making it clear right now, this one is kind of long, but entertaining, as I have heard all of this in my daily trainings!   Let’s go with beer. (Now honestly I’m not much of a beer girl simply because it makes me full, I can’t drink that much of it, ((because of the full)), and … [Read more...]

The inner thigh rub and the bacon belly echo

I’m not one to mince words so let’s address the items of concern I hear about often: the inner thigh rub and the bacon belly echo.  :) . They’re there, have been since your mid-30’s (or sooner depending on your upbringing and lifestyle you’ve chosen), and you’re just sick and tired of being sick and tired of them. . Right? . Yeah. . Definitions- - . Inner thigh rub: happens when there’s … [Read more...]

The third roll of back fat

The third roll of back fat? Yes, read on….   Making a decision to do something, especially for your Self, can be, strangely, the hardest thing- -why is that?   The list of excuses is endless, right? Allow me to share a few: IF I didn’t have a wife and family… IF I had enough pull… IF I had money… IF I had a good education… IF I could get a … [Read more...]

Prada purse, Coach bags and Balls

Who said you had to starve and be deprived on a cleanse? . You did. . That’s the mindset that has been adopted by you because of the control you’re giving those that spread their experience when they did their cleanse. Secondly… . You weren’t ready, you weren’t prepared, you had no support, coaching or follow up. And then you quit halfway through, the guilt got a hold of you so … [Read more...]

What kind of vitamins should I take?

Wouldn't it be great to actually "know" the answer to this, or at the very least, some guidance? . Here's the answer, it depends.    :) . 1. What is your age category? 2. How much sleep do you, or don't you get? 3. What kind of stress do you engage in daily at and because of your job, home life, love or lack of love life? 4. Do you exercise? 5. Are you … [Read more...]

Lose fat first then tone up or vice versa?

Lose fat first then tone up or vice versa?   It’s the age-old question I get from the masses, and my answer is coming in a sec but first, some education… BODY TYPE. You’ve just GOT TO understand that your body type means everything when you engage in any training program; it will save a lot of head/heart ache up front, provide understanding in the middle, and an embracing of exactly what … [Read more...]