I    H-A-T-E    LIARS!   LIARS! You know the type, all clean, shiny, bright, and promising, they bring hope, reel you in and gain your trust and then BAM! Ya’ got smacked in the head and after you wake up you find out you’ve been duped. Makes one feel like a fool, huh?   In fitness trust is critical, would you agree? With all the information out there it’s no wonder people are misguided … [Read more...]

What the hell is taco arm?

What the hell is taco arm? What’s a taco arm? Picture a taco shell, it folds, yes? Now see the folds in these arms.   We also have bingo-arm. It’s the back of your arm all the girls point to when they say they want to “get rid of this thing right here,” that when bingo is called out with the triumphant raising of the arm in the air, it jiggles. (BINGO….flap flap flap) Two things (among a myriad … [Read more...]

How massage can help with cold and flu

Massage can help reduce recovery time from a cold or flu from over 10 days down to as little as 2, in some cases even 1 day. Massage is an excellent ally in your fight against flu. The best way to fight against flu is to prevent it and massage does a great job in this matter. Massage Therapy helps prevent the flu in several ways:  Reduces the stress thus helping your body focus more on … [Read more...]

Are you Michigan J. Frog?

Are you Michigan J. Frog?   When there is no audience what do you do?  How do you live? What do you look forward to achieving? Do you float through time on the constant bewilderment of why you can’t seem to get it together? “When is it going to be my turn,” you say. But until then you feel anger toward those that are experiencing joy, you seethe with envy because your friend is getting … [Read more...]

“….but I just can’t seem to make it happen”

“….but I just can’t seem to make it happen.” You're kidding me, right? Clicking here for my Training Specials for 2012, you can make anything happen. But first let’s see what you do make happen:                                                                                         Taking kids from here to there. Important Shopping with money you don’t necessarily have. … [Read more...]

It’s gonna hurt, get over it

It's gonna hurt, get over it. I have the privilege of being a Les Mills instructor, right? Les Mills is the name of the company owning the Body Pump weightlifting format (among other amazing formats), and earning this title, learning the understanding and epitomizing the technique, integrity, precision, essence and real culture of Les Mills well.....hurts. . Once we have registered for … [Read more...]

Why would I make this 72 year old woman do this?

Why would I make this 72 year old woman do this? It was a dark; send shivers up my spine 43 degrees on my way to work Monday morning. I was headed to begin my day 5:30am at the gym, the group was warm and ready, the circuit was set, off we went. Station after station we trained the lower body as is custom every Monday, followed up by 5 different core stations. Gasping for breath, everyone … [Read more...]

Train Through the Holidays at 30% OFF

 Get Fit Now Before the New Year   at 30% OFF! (This offer is for new clients only)     30% off training?   I understand the economy and also approach life as a wealth of health, using fitness as a tool to be who we really want and are meant to be. November December January   30% off training to get you through the holiday months, and the BEST news is, … [Read more...]

What I told my cycle class last night

What I told my cycle class last night.   Weight loss—the biggest desire that seems like such a tough thing to achieve for many and why? Excuses. The bottom line: we can do anything we commit to and find important enough, right? Let’s have a look at the yearly cycle, and we’ll start with right now, October: October- -“Welp, missed the Labor Day weight loss idea in September but, … [Read more...]

The best thing I could have ever done

The best thing I could have ever done. Let me set you up with a little personal history…. I was born in the waiting room in the hospital, mom wasn’t even admitted yet. I came out in a cool 15 minutes screaming, “everybody outta my way I am HERE!” (Shocker) Since then I have been labeled many things that continually leaned on the side of “miss independent,” and yes, I prided myself, to a … [Read more...]