I’m considered a cycle pus$y

I’m considered a cycle pus$y!   Right into it we go- -I am signing up for this year’s AIDS Life Cycle ride. It’s in June. It’s from San Francisco to Los Angeles. Its 545 miles in 7 days.   I know , read it again! I decided to do it not because of the cause although a great one, but because well …..I can. Do I have a bike or any equipment? No. Do I have any riding experience on the road? … [Read more...]


I    H-A-T-E    LIARS!   LIARS! You know the type, all clean, shiny, bright, and promising, they bring hope, reel you in and gain your trust and then BAM! Ya’ got smacked in the head and after you wake up you find out you’ve been duped. Makes one feel like a fool, huh?   In fitness trust is critical, would you agree? With all the information out there it’s no wonder people are misguided … [Read more...]

What the hell is taco arm?

What the hell is taco arm? What’s a taco arm? Picture a taco shell, it folds, yes? Now see the folds in these arms.   We also have bingo-arm. It’s the back of your arm all the girls point to when they say they want to “get rid of this thing right here,” that when bingo is called out with the triumphant raising of the arm in the air, it jiggles. (BINGO….flap flap flap) Two things (among a myriad … [Read more...]

“….but I just can’t seem to make it happen”

“….but I just can’t seem to make it happen.” You're kidding me, right? Clicking here for my Training Specials for 2012, you can make anything happen. But first let’s see what you do make happen:                                                                                         Taking kids from here to there. Important Shopping with money you don’t necessarily have. … [Read more...]

Why would I make this 72 year old woman do this?

Why would I make this 72 year old woman do this? It was a dark; send shivers up my spine 43 degrees on my way to work Monday morning. I was headed to begin my day 5:30am at the gym, the group was warm and ready, the circuit was set, off we went. Station after station we trained the lower body as is custom every Monday, followed up by 5 different core stations. Gasping for breath, everyone … [Read more...]

My fat belly and what I’m doing about it

My fat belly and what I’m doing about it   I have been in the fitness industry officially since 1984, right? And before that I was involved in team sports in junior high and high school, and before that, (here it comes), I was a Pop Warner cheerleader-yup, ponytails, pom-poms….and a skirt. (You might catch me at Halloween or dead dressed like that again).  J  The thing I can clearly … [Read more...]

The inner thigh rub and the bacon belly echo

I’m not one to mince words so let’s address the items of concern I hear about often: the inner thigh rub and the bacon belly echo.  :) . They’re there, have been since your mid-30’s (or sooner depending on your upbringing and lifestyle you’ve chosen), and you’re just sick and tired of being sick and tired of them. . Right? . Yeah. . Definitions- - . Inner thigh rub: happens when there’s … [Read more...]

Lose fat first then tone up or vice versa?

Lose fat first then tone up or vice versa?   It’s the age-old question I get from the masses, and my answer is coming in a sec but first, some education… BODY TYPE. You’ve just GOT TO understand that your body type means everything when you engage in any training program; it will save a lot of head/heart ache up front, provide understanding in the middle, and an embracing of exactly what … [Read more...]

No matter what happens, I do not want to be scared anymore

What is the thing about fear?   It can be as crippling as one allows it to seem, right? Allows it to S-E-E-M.   One of my biggest fears was running- -operative word- -“was.” Now, after training and running my first half marathon, (in 2010), I am no longer afraid to run. No, it’s not my favorite thing to do and frankly, it’s not necessary for weight loss (no it’s not), and the … [Read more...]

Client before and afters: Donnie Salcedo

Donnie Salcedo I have been overweight since I can remember, because health isn’t really a concern for my culture. As an American Indian diabetes is a common illness; its not "if" you get it, but when. I learned that this mindset had to change when I became pre-diabetic. I’ve attempted about 10 x’s to lose weight and experienced some weight loss but always fell back into the same bad … [Read more...]