Great Expectations

Do you ever say, said, think or thought these things: "I'm not thriving because I was born into the wrong environment. I'm not thriving because my parents didn't thrive, so they couldn't teach me how to do it. I'm not thriving because I was cheated, because I'm not worthy, because I didn't live the right way in a past life, because my government ignores my rights, because my husband doesn't … [Read more...]

A personal mess and redemption

It’s pretty consistent across the board that when I teach classes or train people, it is expected of me to deliver a power-packed session, right? I mean if I tone it down a bit people ask me after, “Umm, are you feeling okay today?” It’s almost comical because I think people believe I don’t eat or sleep or something! (Truth is I eat a lot, both quantity and frequency, and I’m in bed by 9:30pm … [Read more...]

You Can’t Lose Scared Weight and Keep It Off

You can't lose scared weight and keep it off. So, what is “scared” weight? Here’s the simple…. “I’ve tried EVERYTHING and I'm afraid I'm never going to change.” “Oh I can tell you ALL the diets I have tried: (proudly clearing their throat), Atkins, South Beach, Lindora, Weight Watchers, Nutri-Systems, Jenny Craig, ... and nothing, absolutely nothing has worked for me.” “I work out 7 … [Read more...]